
10 tips on how to deal with body shaming

Many of us invest a sizable amount of time on social media sites, chatting with friends, looking through images, or leaving comments on things that resonate with us. Although it is frequently harmless fun, one drawback is how vulnerable it is to body shaming. 

Frequently, people make remarks about the appearance of others. You may have encountered articles of the ‘rate or slate’ variety in magazines where readers are urged to express their opinions on whether someone looks good or awful in their clothing.

So, why body shame a fellow individual? Is there any justification for it?

What is body shaming? 

What is body shaming? 

Making improper and disparaging remarks about someone else’s weight or size is known as body shaming. This is something that individuals, especially those who are plus-sized in weight, experience frequently. However, there is a rising trend to criticise people who appear to be too thin.

Body shaming is pervasive. It is done online, as well as depicted in publications, newspapers, television shows and movies, Comments can be rude and occasionally used in offensive humour.

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10 tips on how to deal with body shaming 

how to deal with body shaming 

There is no need for any individual, whether plus-sized or thin, to be ashamed of their body. Below are some tips on how to deal with body shaming.

Recognise the importance of body positivity

Body positivity is the first action you should take to fight body shaming. Being body positive involves recognising and realising how crucial it is for your mental health to feel good about your physical appearance. 

You should embrace your unique shape and skin tone. Be appreciative of your health. Focus on what you do have rather than what you do not. 

If you do not feel good about yourself, no amount of therapy will be able to help you. Be unconcerned with what others or your friends may think of your appearance. Love and respect your body, irrespective of whatever shortcomings it may have. Try to be more accepting and self-assured about your body because nobody is flawless. 

Do not alter your appearance because of what you have heard from others if you want to. Do it because it will help you feel better about yourself or get healthy. When you embrace body positivity, body shaming will be something of the past.

Accept yourself and stop hiding

It is sad to learn that many people who face body shaming withdraw from society. It may manifest as a desire to be “invisible,” cover up their bodies or isolate themselves from others. 

This is not necessarily the case. Life is too brief to spend it hiding in the dark. If you constantly worry about what others might think of your appearance, how can you ever enjoy life? Do not let this affect your thinking. Begin to accept and love your body. Quit hiding!

Take responsibility and be accountable

Yes, you must love your physique and always be proud of it. However, you must also be willing to consider the idea that your body may be failing. Finding balance is key. Even though some people’s opinions are shared with the best of intentions and no malice, they sometimes come out as cruel. 

You should also consider whether individuals making remarks about your appearance are doing it out of genuine concern for you. People like your parents and close friends would be examples of individuals providing sincere feedback to you about your body. 

Practice self-love by being kind to yourself

Bullies are everywhere in the world, but the last one you want to deal with is you. Therefore, it is crucial to be kind to oneself. You must be nice, loving, and respectful to yourself. Love your body, talk to yourself positively, and practice self-love. 

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Learn to love your body by occasionally standing naked in front of a mirror and staring at yourself. Be kind to yourself because the thing that may bring you down the most is your inner bully. 

Take care of yourself, keep your positive traits in mind, and give up trying to be flawless. Instead of seeking perfection, strive to be a nice person.

Take control of your social media platforms

Social media has many different uses. You can use it to keep in touch with your friends, learn new things, and occasionally see or suffer cyberbullying. If you experience stress as a result of body shaming remarks on social media, take charge by removing toxic people from your life by unfollowing them or those who make you feel self-conscious. 

You have control over it because it is your social media account. Have a body-positive feed instead. Follow the sites of influencers who spread body-positive messages. If you want to get physically better, you can follow pages that motivate fitness or support health. But if you want to be happy, stick to websites that promote acceptance of oneself.

Be grateful for your body

You must express gratitude for your body to enable you to fight body shaming. Be grateful for what you have rather than grumbling over what is lacking. Be thankful for your body, which keeps you alive each day, and for your good health. Give thanks for what you currently have. desire perpetual health rather than a perfect body. 

Keep in mind that even famous people have problems; they are simply either too talented or too reclusive to be able to hide them. Do not believe everything you see on social media because images uploaded there may have been filtered, manipulated, or deceptive in some other way. Just remember to be grateful for what you have and the opportunity to live.

Move in ways that please you

Being completely sedentary is bad for human beings, both physically and mentally. Find activities that make you feel good and improve your body confidence. Many activities, including walking, dancing, or stretching, are free.

Do not body shame others

According to research, when you advocate for body positivity in others, you also feel better about your own body. Do your best to surround yourself with polite, respectful people. Avoid bullies who criticise others’ imperfections and indulge in body shaming. 

Set limits with your pals and make it known that you will not put up with remarks about your appearance or weight. Defending those who are the objects of body shaming is another way to lead by example.

Shift your focus to the things that you like about yourself

If you have lovely hair or eyes, for instance, this is just as significant as qualities you detest or that others have tried to make fun of. When you next glance in the mirror, take note of these admirable qualities.

Reach out to someone you trust

There is no need for you to tackle the body shaming on your own, even if you feel awkward about confiding in someone about it. Let people know what you are going through and ask them for advice and support. 

It is important to find someone you can confide in and feel at ease with. Having a secure place to vent your feelings might help you deal with the anguish and embarrassment of being body shamed.

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